Womb Continuum Care

Midwifing the homecoming mergence of the modern woman & her innate feminine body wisdom through female physiology & womb centered traditional body work

Women are created with their wombs as their center...the fertile cauldron where all of life is birthed from, including the life of our own physiological vibrancy & wild femininity. Tending to the womb continuum was a way of life for our ancestral mothers, and it is now coming back into our remembrance. Womb care, or rather womb-an care, was midwifed by women, to women, for women. This is the original way of women-care. We are created to be deeply rooted in our bodies, living within radical responsibility over our physiological well being and satiated in safety within every cell of our being. And in order for this to be our reality, we need to come back to the body, being held within the hands of women.

What is Womb Continuum Care?

Womb Continuum Care is Whole-Woman care; a full body, sovereign hands-in, hands-on healing approach devoted to midwifing the continuum of women's holistic health. Informed both by ancestral healing modalities and the innate body-wisdom of feminine physiology, womb tending supports women in the fullness of who they are through every life-stage they traverse through. This sovereign body work is a living prayer made manifest as women’s bodies are truly held, seen, witnessed & invited into their natural state of being: aligned, soft, fluid, integrated. Women are created to hold the vast expansion of all the seasons & changes journeyed within this lifetime, but when our foundational structures are misaligned, stagnant, adhered, or inflamed...our entire life reflects the inner disregulation at hand, which is not our created design for living within. Through hands-on belly & womb work, fascial matrix fluidity, organ alignment & health, reintegrating structural integrity, scar tissue remediation, hands-on vulva tending, hands-in vaginal & pelvic tending, and so much more, a homecoming into your body can start to unfold, layer by layer, as the co-creation between my hands & your body re-weave integrity within your entirety.
The Lineage of Womb Continuum Midwifery is rooted within multiple modalities unique to support Feminine Physiology, merging Sobadas (tradition Mexican Belly Work), Rolfing Techniques inspired by Ida Rolf, Arvigo Techniques, Integrative Internal Pelvic Care, and the rich medicine of ancestral wisdom passed down from the wise women who have come before us.

Who is Womb Continuum Care for?

Post Partum Alignment
Prenatal Alignment
Pregnancy Support
Miscarriage Support
Global Vaginal & Pelvic Dysregulation
Premenstrual Mood Disorder
Uterine Misalignment
Reoccuring/Present STD's, UTI's, & Yeast Infections
Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Vaginismus
Scar Tissue Remediation (ie. Caesarian Scars & Other
Surgical/Accident Based Scars)

Menstrual Pain or Menstrual Disorders
Fibroids, Cysts & Polyp Support
Hysterectomy or other Pelvic Surgeries
Proactive Fertility Tending & Wellbeing
Irregular Cycles
Sexual Trauma & Abuse Healing
Painful Intercourse
Bowel Disorders (constipation, diarrhea etc)
Abdominal, Digestive & Organ Health
Nervous System Support 

This is truly for every woman

Womb Continuum Care Tends To...

...and so much more

What to Expect from a Womb Continuum Session